About Equity

Summers offer time to review what has and has not worked over the year, to take stock of resources, and to align plans for the coming autumn. High in my thoughts are questions about how my college can best continue to pursue an equity agenda, a question that I discussed at the AAC&U national conference…

Workplace Skills and Liberal Education – AAC&U Panel

It was my pleasure to present on a panel, “Workplace Skills and Liberal Education: Equity and Access . . . and Quality and Depth” at the national AAC&U conference. Organized by Saul Fisher, Executive Director for Grants and Academic Initiatives and Visiting Associate Professor of Philosophy at Mercy College, I also shared the table with…

AAC&U Presidents Debate College Ratings

President Obama has made it clear that a higher education rating system is on the near horizon. Members of his administration have been engaged in listening sessions across the country for months, hearing from students, families, faculty, and administrators. At the national meeting of the American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) in Washington, DC,…

Why Can’t Higher Education Be Ahead Of The Curve?

The flagship organization of higher education, AAC&U, publishes several themed periodicals. Key among them is Liberal Education. Focused on undergraduate education and liberal learning, the quarterly provides a national forum about teaching, learning, undergraduate issues and leadership. The Winter 2012 issues of Liberal Education focuses on the “completion agenda.” Carol Geary Schneider, president of the AAC&U,…

Academia’s Publication Gap

What is the premier magazine of higher education today? Is it Change, which is published six times a year and “is intended to stimulate and inform reflective practitioners in colleges, universities, corporations, government, and elsewhere.” Or is it Liberal Education or Peer Review, two quarterlies from the AAC&U? “Liberal Education expresses the voices of educators,…