Round-Table with Secretary Duncan

Friday morning Secretary of Education Arne Duncan met with 15 college presidents of HSIs (Hispanic Serving Institutions) at the HACU national conference in Chicago. As president of Wilbur Wright College, I joined in the hour-long discussion. The Secretary’s aim was to ask for feedback about President Obama’s plan for college affordability. It was the first of many sessions Duncan expects to hold…

Access, Affordability, Accountability – Stasis or Progress?

For many years the same key issues – accessibility, accountability, and affordability – have been at the center of American higher education.  A trend or crisis may distract us, and the media may tell us that this technology spells a sea change or paradigm shift.  All true enough. But if you look closely, the driver of…

The Educator’s Dilemma

Mark Kurlansky’s The Last Fish Tale: the fate of the Atlantic and survival in Gloucester, America’s oldest fishing port and most original town is not a particularly good book. Written without great care and poorly thought through, the book teases with the engaging anecdote and arresting observation, but disappoints when it comes to more substantive…